Bear Roadrunner is a design studio with focus on desert landscapes.

Salton Sea
The Salton Sea is the largest lake in California and a refuge...

California Aqueducts
The California Aqueduct is a complex system of canals, pipelines, and tunnels...
Draft. Draw. Ideas. Memories.
Welcome to our exquisite collection of notebooks, sketchbooks, and pads, designed to...
iPhone Cases
iPhone cases featuring desert scenes are designed to showcase the rugged beauty...
Joshua Tree
Joshua Trees. It is an important part of the Mojave Desert ecosystem,...
Cajone Pass
Cajon Pass is a mountain pass between the San Bernardino Mountains to...
Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces....
The Dunes
The desert is a harsh environment. It's hot and dry, full of loneliness and isolation. But it can also be a place of great beauty: quiet and serene, with soft light filtering through the sand; wind whispering through eucalyptus trees and reflections of blue sky on still pools.